Workflow and Operator Definition¶
Tree-metadata framework¶
The metadata framework describes data and operators. Data and operators can be either abstract or materialized. Abstract are the operators and datasets that are described partially or at a high level by the user when composing her workflow whereas materialized are the actual operator implementations and existing datasets, either provided by the user or residing in a repository. Both data and operators need to be accompanied by a set of metadata, i.e., properties that describe them. Such properties include input data types and parameters of operators, location of data objects or operator invocation scripts, data schemata, implementation details, engines etc. The provided metadata can be used to:
- Match abstract operators to materialized ones
- Check the usability of a dataset as input for an operator. If the dataset does not match the operator’s input, its metadata can be also used to check for appropriate transform/move operators that can be applied.
- Provide optimization parameters like the profiling input/output space (the parameters to take into account and the metrics to measure respectively) or user provided profile functions. This information is based on our black box operator profiling approach.
- Provide execution parameters like the path of a file in the filesystem or arguments for the execution of the operator script.To provide such a user extensible metadata framework we opt for a generic tree metadata format. To avoid restricting the user and allow for extensibility, the first levels of the metadata tree are predefined but users can add their ad-hoc subtrees to define their custom data or operators. Moreover, some fields (mostly the ones related to the operator and data requirements) are compulsory while the rest are optional and user defined. Materialized data and operators need to have all their compulsory fields filled in with information. Abstract data and operators do not adhere to this rule. In general we define the following predefined parts of the meta-data tree
This sub-tree contains all the meta-data information that is used to match abstract and materialized operators and datasets. The information contained in this sub-tree should contain input/output specification for operators, algorithm, engine specification and whatever else the user considers that should take part in the abstract/materialized matching of operators. The predefined, compulsory fields of the operator metadata are primarily the number of its inputs and outputs:
Constraints.Input.number=<number of inputs>
Constraints.Output.number=<number of outputs>
In the above description, the metadata were presented with a key-value representation were the key denotes the path from the root node of the tree to the specified metadata leaf. For each defined input and output the respective specification metadata should be put in the following subtrees:
The respective metadata subtrees are automatically matched with the existing datasets in order to check for usability or move/transform operators that should be applied. The respective output metadata specifications are also copied to the metadata of the intermediate output workflow datasets in order to enforce data constraints along the workflow.
This subtree contains all the information required for the execution of a materialized operator. Our execution engine utilizes YARN in order to execute a DAG graph of operators. Execution specific metadata like dataset paths or details about staging in/out files from containers that use their local file system are provided here. This subtree has the following predefined metadata for datasets:
Execution.path=<the path of the dataset>
For operators we have the following metadata:
Execution.LuaScript=<Lua script of the operator>
Execution.Arguments.number=<number of arguments of the execution script>
Execution.Argument{id}=<value of the specific argument>
Execution.Output{id}.path=<the path of the specific output dataset>
Execution.copyToLocal=<list of files that need to be copied in the container before the execution of the operator>
Execution.copyFromLocal=<list of files that need to be maintained after the execution of the operator>
The use of those metadata is further described in the Enforcer section. In general, these metadata give information about the location of execution script for the operator as well as for its arguments. We also give information about stage in and stage out files that are required by the distributed execution of operators using YARN containers.
This part of the metadata gives information required by the profiler module. They are used to effectively estimate the execution metrics of operators and utilize them to generate execution plans for workflows.
Optimization.inputSpace.{metric name}=<type>
Optimization.outputSpace.{metric name}=<type>
Optimization.model.{metric name}=<UserFunction or Profile>
As can be seen from the above metadata, users are able to define the input/output profiling space for each materialized operator. For each of the output metrics the user is able to either provide a user defined function, used for estimation, or state to the system that the metric should be estimated using a profiling procedure. In the following sections, we give some concrete examples for the metadata of datasets and operators. For better understanding we give both a visual representation of the metadata tree as can be seen from the platform’s web interface and also the actual metadata in key-values where the key denotes the path of the specific metadata node.
Dataset metadata description¶
In this section, we give an example of a dataset description (Figure 4).

Dataset Metadata
Operator metadata description¶
In this section, we give an example of a materialized operator description. We also provide a template of an operator description file.

Materialized Operator Description
Tree-metadata matching¶
Apart from materialized operators and datasets the user of the IReS platform can define abstract operators and datasets that are used for creating abstract workflows and can be matched with the existing materialized ones in order to find all possible execution plans. Abstract operators are described using the same tree metadata framework, described in the previous sections. The main difference is that abstract operators can have less metadata attributes than the materialized ones. We also allow users to add regular expressions in the abstract operator metadata. This is done in order for IReS platform to be able to support more generic matching. For example the * symbol under a field means that the abstract operator can match materialized ones with any value in that field. The matching procedure checks if all the metadata of the abstract operator are present in (match if they are regular expressions) the materialized operator. To make this check efficient, the metadata trees are stored in main memory tree structures. The tree structure used store all children of a metadata node in a sorted list according to their name. Thus, if both metadata trees are stored with ordering we can perform a merge check of both trees in order to find if the operators match. This procedure iterates over the sorted metadata and tries to match the abstract with the materialized ones. To check the matching of two operators we require, in worst case, only one pass over the metadata of both operators. Thus, the matching process is linear to the size of the metadata trees and can be used very efficiently.
Abstract operator description¶
In this section, we give an example of an abstract operator description (Figure 6).
Abstract operator metadata
As we can see, the abstract operator contains metadata only under the constraints subtree because only those are used for the matching procedure. It mainly targets the matching of the algorithmic operation of the operators as well as the matching of inputs and outputs used. This operator matches with the materialized TF_IDF operator presented in the previous section.

Abstract Operator Description
Abstract workflow description¶
This section describes the definition of an abstract workflow. The user of the IReS platform has the ability to describe a workflow in an abstract way and the let the system find all possible matches for the operators and generate the materialized workflow that contains all the possible alternative execution plans. An abstract workflow can be created using both materialized and abstract datasets and operators. Materialized datasets are used to define the already existing input datasets of the workflow. Abstract datasets can be used for defining the intermediate results that are created after the execution of a specific operator. These abstract datasets will get concrete specifications from the materialized operator’s output specifications when the materialized workflow is generated. Concerning operators, the user can create her workflow using materialized operators that exist in the operator library or abstract operators that match with several of the existing materialized operators. An example of an abstract workflow is depicted in Figure 7.
An abstract workflow is defined as a DAG graph that connects a mixture of abstract and materialized datasets and operators. The missing information needed for describing the DAG graph is a set of edges. For example the description of the previous workflow can be created using the following list of edges (d1 is the output of TF_IDF and d2 is the output of k-Means).

Abstract Workflow Description
For each edge definition the input position should be defined at the end of each line. For example, in this line
The “0” defines that the crawlDocuments dataset is the first input to the TF_IDF operator. Also in the following line
the “0” again defines that the output of k-Means is the first input of d2. Let’s assume a workflow consisting of operators with more than one inputs.
In this example the test operator takes two inputs. The first input to this operator is the in0 while the second is the in1.
A special tag $$target is used to define which dataset is the final output of the DAG graph.
Enforcer module¶
This module undertakes the execution of the selected execution plan. The enforcer module is build on top of the YARN resource scheduler. The enforcer module requests container resources from YARN in order to launch the execution of operators. It also orchestrates the execution of a DAG graph of operators in order to successfully execute the selected workflow execution plans.
YARN workflow execution engine¶
The enforcer module extends the Apache Kitten framework. Apache Kitten is a framework that lets you define the execution of operators on top of YARN. It allows the description of resource configuration (CPU, RAM etc. of the containers launched) as well as the execution configuration of the script or commands that need to be executed inside the allocated container resources. Kitten makes extensive use of Lua tables to organize information about how a YARN application should be executed. Here is how Kitten defines an example of a distributed shell application:
distshell = yarn {
name = "Distributed Shell",
timeout = 10000,
memory = 512,
master = {
env = base_env, -- Defined elsewhere in the file
command = {
base="java -Xmx128m com.cloudera.kitten.appmaster.ApplicationMaster",
args = {
"-conf job.xml" },
container = {
instances = 3,
env = base_env, -- Defined elsewhere in the file
command = "echo 'Hello World!' >> /tmp/hello_world"
The yarn function of the Lua description provides all the required information for running an operator using YARN. The following fields can be defined in the Lua table that is passed to it, optionally setting default values for optional fields that were not specified:
- name (string, required): The name of this application.
- timeout (integer, defaults to -1): How long the client should wait in milliseconds before killing the application due to a timeout. If < 0, then the client will wait forever.
- user (string, defaults to the user executing the client): The user to execute the application as on the Hadoop cluster.
- queue (string, defaults to “”): The queue to submit the job to, if the capacity scheduler is enabled on the cluster.
- conf (table, optional): A table of key-value pairs that will be added to theConfigurationinstance that is passed to the launched containers via the job.xml file. The creation of job.xml is built-in to the Kitten framework and is similar to how the MapReduce library uses the Configuration object to pass client-side configuration information to tasks executing on the cluster.
- env (table, optional): A table of key-value pairs that will be set as environment variables in the container. Note that if all of the environment variables are the same for the master and container, you can specify theenvtable once in the yarn table and it will be linked to the subtables by theyarnfunction.
- memory (integer, defaults to 512): The amount of memory to allocate for the container, in megabytes. If the same amount of memory is allocated for both the master and the containers, you can specify the value once inside of the yarn table and it will be linked to the subtables by theyarnfunction.
- cores (integer, defaults to 1): The number of virtual cores to allocate for the container. If the same number of cores is allocated for both the master and the containers, you can specify the value once inside of the yarn table and it will be linked to the subtables by theyarnfunction.
- instances (integer, defaults to 1): The number of instances of this container type to create on the cluster. Note that this only applies to thecontainer/containersarguments; the system will only allocate a single master for each application.
- priority (integer, defaults to 0): The relative priority of the containers that are allocated. Note that this prioritization is internal to each application; it does not control how many resources the application is allowed to use or how they are prioritized.
- tolerated_failures (integer, defaults to 4): This field is only specified on the application master, and it specifies how many container failures should be tolerated before the application shuts down.
- command/commands (string(s) or table(s), optional):commandis a shortcut forcommandsin the case that there is only a single command that needs to be executed within each container. This field can either be a string that will be run as-is, or it may be a table that contains two subfields: abasefield that is a string and anargsfield that is a table. Kitten will construct a command by concatenating the values in the args table to the base string to form the command to execute.
- resources (table of tables, optional): The resources (in terms of files, URLs, etc.) that the command needs to run in the container. YARN has a mechanism for copying files that are needed by an application to a working directory created for the container that the application will run in. These files are referred to in Kitten asresources.
Execution description¶
All materialized operators are accompanied by a set of execution metadata that are used for their actual execution. The main part of the execution description is the lua script that was mentioned in the previous section and is used to describe the execution details of an operator. An example description of an operator using a lua script is presented below:
– Resource and environment setup.
base_resources = {
["master.jar"] = {
base_env = {
CLASSPATH = table.concat({"${CLASSPATH}", CP, "./master.jar", "./"}, ":"),
-- The actual distributed shell job.
operator = yarn {
name = "TF/IDF using mahout library",
timeout = -1,
memory = 2048,
cores = 2,
container = {
env = base_env,
resources = {
[""] = {
file = "/opt/asap-server/asapLibrary/operators/TF_IDF_mahout/",
type = "file",
-- other value: 'archive'
visibility = "application",
-- other values: 'private', 'public'
} },
command = {